Finally, available All over India, easy online Scrapbooking exclusively for the Indian Community
Tailor-made exclusively for Scrapbooking in India, our free Scrapbooking Blog and our online classes will teach you amazing modern Scrapbooking skills, with easy Scrapbooking ideas, techniques, and detailed step-by-step video tutorials; while sourcing local supplies to suit your budget.

As you read to the end, you will realise that you could, in the next 5 minutes, be creating your very own Desi designer scrapbooking page, Explosion box, mini album or wall hanging; to showcase your special photos and memories. Delivered to your inbox right in your own home, you can watch anytime and as many times as you like: our detailed step-by-step online videos...
Get Instant Access to over 12 video tutorials in Basic Scrapbooking-desiStyle:A video-training system customised to add Indian flavour to the latest modern scrapbooking procedures for anyone starting scrapbooking in India.

Dear Friend
If you are like me, then there’s nothing you’d enjoy more than to relax with a cup of chai and enjoy quality ‘me’ time with a hobby that is sure to continuously stimulate you, add value to you and your family, and has a totally flexible ‘guilt-free’ schedule ( ‘cos yearly festivals and pujas, family, work & kids, may need a little more of you at times).
But have you seen the ridiculous prices and terms & conditions of fixed classes around India for latest hobbies like modern scrapbooking lately? Mostly, you are sold a repackaged imported kit, or a remake of a product demo from the US or UK.
Instead of actually being taught enough skills to empower you to continue scrapbooking independently, you get to assemble the items in the kit. You are not sure if you can try it on your own, let alone where to get similar, cheaper supplies. So you are persuaded to enrol for a second class, or pressurized to buy one or more of the pricey imported tools and supplies used in the demo class (which will kill your budget before you have even started!)
And don’t even talk of those foreign US dollar-priced online scrapbooking courses!
It’s enough to stress you out!
But hold on:
I’ve already done all the hard work in formulating the desi style Scrapbooking System that works for you…
Hello, my name is Malisha. I am a happy, independent housewife & mum to two great children. In my ‘previous’ life I worked as a qualified Tax Auditor. We moved to Mumbai in 2008 after my brilliant husband was transferred from South Africa.
Although I was already 4 years into Scrapbooking, it is here in Mumbai where my inspiration to create an Indian flavour to scrapbooking truly blossomed. An expat mum who was teaching scrapbooking as an extra-mural activity at the International school started a free scrapbooking coffee morning for us mums. We ladies were quite a diversity of Indian nationals, NRI’s, expats and foreigners,most with little or NO Knowledge of Scrapbooking at all!
With hardly anyone in India aware of the new scrapbooking hobby then, let alone selling supplies for it, we scouted the station markets, book shops, stationery shops and intricate gullies of Crawford Market to find our equivalent substitute supplies.
After all, most big scrapbooking manufacturers and suppliers were in the US, and it was crazy prices to courier even the smallest of the smallest item to India. Since it was not an actual class, with no identical supplies even, we all had the freedom to create our own personal expressions. Soon, no two pages from our group were the same at all.
And that's where I unknowingly developed my Unique desi- style of Scrapbooking.
I started out as an ordinary boring housewife and mum, with no creative skills what-so-ever, but not any more...
Around 10 years back, when I was in South Africa, I had stumbled upon the latest craze going around in western countries-Scrapbooking. (I was second time pregnant with my daughter then, and must have stopped for a breather while admiring some baby or family pages in a scrapbooking shop window!)
Perhaps it was the analytical accountant in me, who saw how invaluable this hobby was, a double-benefit where I would actually be responsible for the for epic task of documenting my family’s history to pass down to future generations, while at the same time being rewarded with the benefits of a satisfying hobby.
Unfortunately, because I was a boring number-crunching Indian women ex-auditor, I was told (and even I myself believed) that I simply didn’t have the creative ‘eye’ or skills required in pursuing a meaningful and fulfilling past-time on my own while staying at home.
But, being the determined, stubborn Taurean bull that I was, Nothing Was Going To Stop ME! I had set my heart on Scrapbooking.
So, for the past 10 years, I have followed the most basic styles and techniques I’d come across in western Scrapbooking & craft magazines and sites I could find. I also attended professional classes conducted at huge Scrapbooking stores abroad, joined Scrapbooking communities and coffee mornings, and watched every free online tutorial around.
I even spent my hard earned money buying expensive, imported Scrapbooking kits and ready-made album kits and listened to all the advice of experienced scrappers , bloggers, and Scrapbooking teachers I came across.
Yes-I was hooked onto Scrapbooking BUT I just couldn’t put my finger on that missing link, you know, that restless feeling that there’s gotta be something more in it for me to be totally satisfied…
Then, I discovered the COLD HARD TRUTH about why I simply couldn’t totally relate to the westernised style of Scrapbooking.
I also used to think scrapbooking applied to western taste and lifestyles only
Looking back, I must have felt it in the early years, ‘cos even after a few classes, I was already deviating from the norm, being inventive and tweaking the designs a bit.
I did not know it then, but I was already substituting, chopping & changing and trying to make the pages tell MY story, not someone else’s.
I used to get so dis-heartened to find many elements of ‘who I am’ missing in the general pages being taught and in the black & white photos I had resorted to using - my dressing, festivals, culture, beliefs, colour palette, traditions were not being captured:
Here's some of my experiences that led me to create Indian-style scrapbooking pages:
So with these little inventions, I slowly realised that I was creating a unique Indian blend on my Scrapbooking pages, by spicing up the western Scrapbooking norms that I had been taught.
But before we roll out the red carpet, I want to share a shocking fact with you…
See, when I realised that my Scrapbooking pages were missing that ‘desi’ element, I thought I’d look to the internet to spark off some inspiration.
And now I’m going to reveal a little something that the Scrapbooking world doesn't want you to know…
The Scrapbooking World's Dirty Little Secret…
There is nothing available for the Scrapbooking tastes of the Indian Community not only in India, but Worldwide!
I was shocked when I discovered this! There are really no websites, blogs or magazines that (let alone focus), but even cater for a scrap of advice, or provide completed displays of simple Scrapbooking layouts of everyday Indian people.
You may find a small site or two displaying very basic Scrapbooking layouts, mostly from in-house kid’s workshops, or craft stores demonstrating advanced Scrapbooking techniques on how to use imported products.
But they are more focused on profiting from the ready-made kits, imported products or customised albums/explosion boxes that they sell on, rather than passing on knowledge in the art of Scrapbooking.
More Questions??
Why is it that the India or Indian Scrapbooking pages are of foreigners on holiday in India?
Sure, I would scrapbook one page of my family ‘holding’ the tip of the Taj Mahal, but I would also like inspiration from examples of normal Indian people in regular photos, depicting normal everyday delights.
Not foreigners or snake charmers or traditional village women.
I tell you there’s more to our vibrant daily lives than pashminas, elephants, national monuments and the slums of Dharavi!
Another revelation…
Free Shipping of supplies and gifts apply only if you live in the US, (or UK, or AUS, or EU).
There are plenty of world-class scrapbooking websites and professional craft magazines out there offering ‘free’ giveaways and special offers, and discounts on supplies; and on classes too. I know, I have added my name to quite a few at one time or another. Only to be disheartened...
And my excited expressions would turn soo sour after watching a ‘I-too-can-do-that-tutorial’ only to realise that all the main supplies used were either from a certain manufacturer or a certain Scrapbooking store…neither them nor their agents to be found anywhere near India, and forget about the discount!
And then there’s the so-called expert - providing poorly written instructions with a couple of online photos of each step of a process, but of course there’s only one photo from one angle of the one most trickiest step-soo frustrating! I tell you. I have tried following plenty of these but end up beaten with more questions than answers.
Available Exclusively for the Incredible Indian in you, presenting...
Basic Scrapbooking desiStyle

Basic Scrapbooking-desiStyle is a self-paced online course designed for India, to empower you with the basic skills and techniques required for modern Indian-style scrapbooking.
Here's all What You Get:
Look at all the awesome skills you will learn in this programme:
- How to create your 1st layout/page. Scrapbooking previous experience Not Necessary at all.
- Learn to enhance your basic layouts with creative layout ideas, page dividers, or how to follow or customise a layout sketch.
- Incorporate your skills in quilling, sewing, papercraft, painting, art, crocheting, etc to create unique scrapbooking pages.
- Discover the difference between the tearing and scoring technique and their potentials.
- How the layering technique can add a whole new dimension to your page.
- Guide for getting your essential supplies without spending a fortune and how to use even basic tools to add mast to your page.
- How to spend wisely on supplies-learn the difference between scrapbooking generics, must-haves, nice-to-have and luxuries.
- Make your pockets smile as you learn to use easy & affordable embellishing on your pages.
- Have fun with Photos: matting, sorting, framing, cropping, labelling, punching,…
- Understand the principles of a basic of mini album.
- What’s all the fuss about journaling and how to decode it.
See why you will gain so much more than you expected...
Here's THREE MORE Bonus Reasons why you should start Scrapbooking desiStyle...
Bonus Reason # 1:
Treat your loved ones to unique gifts by using your Scrapbooking skill to create:
Bonus Reason # 2:
Experience your kid’s new found respect for you as your Scrapbooking skills:
Bonus Reason # 3:
Transform your other hobby creations & skills into a permanent showcase for generations to come+your photos and memories-a double benefit!
Don’t leave your work of art forgotten in a corner to collect dust when it’s sure to be a winner on your Scrapbooking pages!
If you were to attend all the professional Scrapbooking classes that I have attended abroad, subscribe to many online courses that I have joined, and experiment with all the Indian alternatives to western supplies, methods and options, plus over 10 years of scrapbooking experience, you could easily invest over Rs 30 000 in costs alone.
Depending on the value you place on your time, your investment to learn what I’ve learnt could add up to tens of thousands of rupees.
That is why the powerful secrets, techniques and ideas that I have laid out for you in over 10 video tutorials in Basic Scrapbooking desiStyle would be a huge bargain at
just Rs 6 890 or even Rs 8 967…just a fraction of the costs that I’ve incurred.
But I’m offering you a tried and tested method so you can fast track your Scrapbooking hobby into priceless heirlooms, incorporating elements of your unique lifestyle for an
Unbelievable Price of Rs 3 890
That’s only Rs 27.78 a day to empower yourself with a life-long passion…
But Hold on - It gets even better…
Mega Bonus Project tutorials:
I want to show you just how confident you will be after practising the techniques and skills that you will learn in the course. You will never have to spend another rupee on overpriced, pre-packaged/custom-made explosion boxes or mini albums again.
Instead, you will be surprised to discover that you already have the basic skills to tackle these projects on your own! So I decided to offer you not one, but Two Bonuses…
Sign up for our "Easy Scrapbooking-desiStyle" and get these two video tutorials Absolutely FREE!
Explosion Boxes & Shadow Boxes:
- Together we will unravel the secrets of these hot-selling design concepts that everyone is talking about in the Scrapbooking world right now.
- Let’s uncover the blue-prints and learn the basic techniques involved and the design options available for you to create your own killer memorable boxes.
- We will also discover how a shadow box can enhance your story, and add movement and dimension to your scrapbooking.
But What If…
I totally understand that signing up for a course online can be a bit unnerving. I cannot tell you the number of times I have spent my hard earned money on a course only to be massively disappointed.
And that’s why I am going to absorb ALL of the risk…
I am soo confident that when you sign up and get instant access to all the resources I’ve mentioned, you will be amazed at the incredible level of training you are getting.
21-day Risk-Free Trial…
But if for ANY reason in the next 21 days you were unable to learn how to create a Scrapbooking page with our “Intro to Scrapbooking desi-style” video training, and all of its bonuses, I will INSTANTLY send you an immediate refund –
no questions asked!
It is that simple.
Design your OWN Scrapbooking page YOUR style in the next 5 minutes
The choice is yours- you either want to transform your photos, memories and mementos into a keepsake that will give joy to all that come across it over the years, - or you don’t.
But if you are serious about finding a passion that empowers you start a legacy of your own, then you really only have one choice.
Remember, there is absolutely NO RISK to you. You will get INSTANT ACCESS to the tutorials, private forums and the bonuses:
- Basic Scrapbooking-desiStyle online video tutorials emailed to you every two weeks - Rs 5298 Value
- Bonus #1 - Valuable ‘Cheat Sheets’-my personal summary, tips and scribbles for you to download after each tutorial (and yours to keep for future scrapbooking creations) - Rs 1180 Value
- Bonus #2 - Special invite to join our secret Facebook page ‘desiCafe’ reserved for members only.
- Bonus #3 - Two hot-selling product tutorials on Explosion boxes and Shadow boxes-Rs 2960 Value
- Bonus #4 - Access to both current and all previous tutorials by special ‘members only’ login status.
- Bonus #5 - Get direct access to Scrapbooking tutorials designed just for you, no matter where in India you are stationed.
Over Rs10 000 Value...yours for only Rs 3890

P.S. if you are not 100% satisfied within 21 days, you will get an immediate refund plus full access to the first two video tutorials, plus you get to keep both Video Tutorial cheat-sheets plus you would have had an insight into the valuable practical chats happening at our secret desiScrapbooking Café.
So for just Rs 27.78 a day, get VVIP membership seats to a whole new Desi Scrapbooking community. Just click the Join Today link below to sign up and within 5 minutes receive login instructions to ‘membership only’ section of my website so you can start immediately…
See you on the other side...